Sue Grafton

Welcome Letter

Dearest Reader,

Welcome to the new, improved web page! I thought the original site was clever, in that it featured a series of manila folders that could be opened (with satisfying sound effects) to reveal personal and professional information about yours truly. That site served its purpose and the time has come to freshen both the concept and the format.

For the time being, we’re dumping all of the old photographs, many of which were out of date. There were a couple of shots of my office in a house where we no longer live. If I took a picture of my current office, all you’d see is the mess and I’m pretending to be a much tidier person. If we feel new photographs would be useful or entertaining, we’ll post them.

I don’t think I’ll detail the other features we’re eliminating because you might end up feeling outraged at the deletions. Take my word for it, this new site is more to the point; streamlined and efficient. If you’ll click on the row of book titles near the top of the page, you’ll be rewarded with a quick summary of all the novels in the series to date. We’ve included links to sites where copies of my books can be purchased and we’ll bring you news of publication dates and contests in which you can participate.

If you want to make direct contact, you can write to me at PO Box 41447, Santa Barbara, California, 93140, or you can look for me on Facebook, where I check in most mornings as part of my routine. There, you can post questions and comments which I’ll respond to as promptly as possible.

Y IS FOR… is slated for publication in the fall of 2017 with Z IS FOR ZERO following in the fall of 2019. Many of you are asking (some quite plaintively) what I intend to do when I get to ‘the end’ of the alphabet. I’ve been consistent in my response which is “no clue.” I want to see what kind of shape I’m in mentally and physically. I don’t want to keep on writing if the juice is gone. These novels about Ms. Millhone take incredible focus, ingenuity, energy, and imagination. If I have the wherewithal, I may write a Kinsey Millhone stand-alone or two. If I feel I’ve lost my touch, I’ll retire with grace.

Respectfully submitted, Sue Grafton